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黑猫警长 发表于 2012-2-8 10:37:32


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dtw1987 发表于 2012-2-10 10:46:01

吐了 中午 不吃饭 正好减肥了

e0xl5xc9n 发表于 2012-2-15 06:37:03

mulberry outlet Boy playing with gun fire killing the soil due to the age of

WASHINGTON County will head Zhaizhen three students were Feng Fan raw, Fan Rui and Chen Yue (both pseudonym) over the wall similar to an abandoned house to steal, but, Fan was born in the house on the inside Tukang found a homemade gun they take up the play with the soil, Shen Yue mistakenly shot to death the result. July 6 reporter was informed that although the case solved, but the main responsibility for people aged under 14 years of health Fan, no criminal responsibility, the public security organ shall order the guardian had strict discipline.
report: son requested his father to find the missing

6 月 20 日 10 am, will be the first Zhaizhen County village of Feng Shen County Public Security Bureau will head to the Village police station reported its fifth-grade son, Shen Yue on at 17:00 on June 19 lost,luxury story, missing, please help the police find.
receiving the report, the County Public Security Bureau will investigate immediately. Until at 13:40 on June 21 Xu, police finally were in the first Zhaizhen Feng River Club stuff found in an old house room Shen Yue's body. This day, Shen Yue was 12 years old.
exploration: the missing teenager was shot to death

by the investigation, crime scene is the home of a village community five years ago, Lin abandoned the old house, now a rush has been a not local, the old courtyard overgrown with weeds. At the scene, police found a homemade soil guns, black powder muzzle residual, found on the ground and Tukang shotgun. The autopsy and scene investigation, the police department to finalize the Shen Yue shot at close range shot to death by others.
Police also identified the afternoon of June 19, Fan Shen Yue and student health, Fan Rui Di Xionglia play together, to go home around 4 pm, after no one to see Shen Yue. Subsequently, the police extracted fanjia brothers wearing two pairs of shoes the day of the relevant information.
Mo Pai visited the police also learned that same day at 4 o'clock was heard gunshots.
confessed: the students of the Department of Land gun fire death caused

6 21,replica watches, police task force, accompanied by the teacher once again conducted a survey of the brothers. The patience of the police inquiry, the brothers about the incident in detail the process.
the original, the afternoon of June 19, Fan-sheng, Fanrui brothers and Shen Yue Lin a home in the old house not far away from the yellow drainage side play in the water, the discussion with an old house in the rush to steal. Lin in the wall into the house,abercrombie and fitch, Shen Yue to find a telescope to take in hand to play, and Fan Kang was born in the never ending soil next find a gun,mulberry outlet, then get the hands of fiddle playing, but, in turn pull the trigger when , the result will be in front of Shen Yue knocked to the ground. Fan and Fan Rui students seeing fled the scene immediately after the home, and similar matter not to tell others.
results: the murderer guardians of minors to strict discipline

6 27, Lin will be a return from the County of Xinjiang Public Security Bureau gave himself up. According to his confession, In 2006, he has to work with families and children to Xinjiang.
present,replica rolex watches, the case of illegal possession of firearms associated with criminal suspects, according to the law have been released on bail of a rush. As the main responsibility for the case when the incident Fan students aged under 14 years of age, who is no criminal responsibility, the public security organ shall order the guardian of strict discipline.
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xrwzmn 发表于 2012-2-15 13:03:16

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