cronaldo88 发表于 2010-4-24 20:07:13



nick90 发表于 2010-4-24 21:57:39

我是土生土长的保定人 目前在农大西校就读 你捏?

车鼠李小二 发表于 2010-4-25 23:12:32


nick90 发表于 2010-4-26 11:27:31

回 2楼(车鼠李小二) 的帖子

哥们儿 大几啊?我大一 去操场野球不?

车鼠李小二 发表于 2010-4-27 14:13:45

现在人在北京 原来常和校队踢

pirates-r 发表于 2010-4-27 14:21:01

保定土著路过    但现已离家十万八千里远了

nick90 发表于 2010-4-27 14:44:34

回 4楼(车鼠李小二) 的帖子


qiuqiu320 发表于 2010-5-24 12:47:48

You will notice Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion wedding dresses aion gold 9 glowing symbols on the floor, appearing one at a time. After about 6 minutes, your spell will be ready, all demons will disappear and you will be given time to drink up and rebuff.Once you're ready, use the Glyphs, and you will summon wow power leveling a Xorothian Dreadsteed! Once this steed is at 50%, Lord Hel'nurath appears and joins the battle. Quickly finish the Dreadsteed off and then focus on Lord Hel'nurath. Should you find yourself wiping, you only need to talk to the spirit of the Dreadsteed to finish your quest, although Lord Hel'nurath drops some good wow gold quality blues as well for level 60's.You're done! Enjoy your Epic Dreadsteed. Do remember that if you bought the items you are able to help other Warlocks obtain their mounts while being able to skip buying the last 250 gold worth of materials.Making Gold with Glowcaps and SporeggarA really good place to earn some extra gold while you’re leveling up wedding dresses past 62 is in the Sporeggar settlement in Zangarmarsh . The Sporeggar use Glowcaps as currency for faction rewards and you can find them all over the west side of that zone.If you have not already leveled up your reputation with the Sporeggar faction, you will be able to turn 10 Glowcaps in at Replica rolex a time to Msshi’fn until you reach friendly status. I recommend using a different method to gain reputation after the first 10, however, because these are so valuable later. Fertile Spores is a good way to go for neutral-to-friendly.Glowcaps are easy to pick up as you are questing around the area, and fairly numerous as well. You can find a Handbags Replica decent amount around Marshlight Lake (located between Sporeggar and Zabra’jin) cxysgfgfhgkj where you will be killing the Bloodscale Naga to raise your reputation with Sporeggar.cxy

sigou5532251 发表于 2011-3-24 23:06:21

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